The Christening of the S.S. Tokenized Liberty

The Gallant
9 min readDec 31, 2020

What would you do if you no longer had to worry about your country’s economy, worry about keeping your job, or even worry about the stock market? What if you actually had a choice about your business partners? What if you had a choice about what happened to your money when you needed it, both in the asset and in the liability?

A collage of DEBT


I am not a financial advisor. I am neither licensed to give financial advice nor guide where to put your money. All of my opinions and arguments are my own and my writings are meant for entertainment purposes only. By reading my work after this disclaimer, you are releasing me of any liability for your financial investments and actions.

I currently hold cryptocurrency (tokenized money), but my portfolio is in so much flux. I hold a number of cryptocurrency but will not disclose for anonymity purposes and that none are discussed as options for tokenization.

I am reclaiming my sovereignty from the systems put in place to suck value out of my livlihood in order to have more ownership of my destiny for the future of my self and my family.

As a philosopher, I love breaking down ideas to the most minute factoids of an idea. Let’s get to the core of the idea and understand what it is that I’m “tokenizing.”

The destination of tokenization

This journey does have a destination, but how will I get there? This will be my story for the next decade. the story of this decade for me. I will win, lose, innovate, laugh, and cry. Once I get to my destination, I will look back and have more wealth than the tokenization I was aiming for to get to in the first place!

But what IS tokenization???????

Tokenization, in the technology sense, is the digital representation of something in 3-dimensional space where we find ourselves occupying most of our time in. I am borrowing this term for sake of simplicity and dialogue. Like a Mario coin floating in Super Mario land with 1s and 0s. It’s physically there in the game, but it doesn’t physically exist outside of the game’s screen nor the game’s code.

To show there are other spaces for concepts to consider, review below:

• 2-D space — paper

• Quantum space — The place within the box where the cat is both dead and alive

• Cyber space — computers realm of interactions denoted in electrons bits and qubits

Realizing this is not the most scientific of definitions, we will use these CONCEPTS to help with communicating the ideas of what my destination will look like in 10 years or less. We have a social and linguistic marriage between two concepts: Space and coins.

I am christening the S.S. Tokenized Liberty. Welcome aboard! We are sailing into the uncharted territories of cyber seas! We will celebrate, we will lose some of our sanity, regain it, and find the promised land of self-sovereignty. We are voyaging toward a better tomorrow, where we take back ownership of our own futures, trade currency without needing permission from anyone but ourselves, and enabling a more open economy. We’re setting sail to discover the fertile lands for the financially shunned and improve the quality of life for those kept out of the walled gardens in our modern societies.

In discussing the issues with loved ones, I learned that “They” don’t care. They don’t care people are starving in the street. They don’t care that people can’t afford housing. They don’t care that you’re trying to “make ends meet” by showing up to work and trading your limited time on this earth for a piece of paper that no longer holds the value it once did. I am done drinking from the punch. I’m sailing out to sea with my crew. and reclaiming ownership of value I create — by tokenizing. Starting with this article.

Just like how pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto tokenized money in a secure way to create a non-double spend secure electronic money that can’t be inflated into oblivion, I will leverage the giants who came before us to tokenize everything I own so it can be used in cyberspace. I will reclaim my data from big companies. I will take on full responsibility for the debts of my home. I will reclaim my sovereignty from the power-hungry despots that truly believe they know what is better for me and what is better for my community.

This is a peaceful transformation. One that I will enter as a caterpillar and exit as a tokenized butterfly!

Why am I tokenizing things?

I am reclaiming my financial future from the hegemony of the FIAT and the monopoly money elite bankers that have robbed multiple generations of any hope of wealth outside of the fiat ponzi scheme.

My generation will inherit a kingdom of dirt:

  • Global warming
  • “The Great Financial Reset”
  • General economic hardships caused by irresponsible “money” printing and unprecedented debt
  • The further oppression by both extremes of political scientists: fascism vs. tyrannical socialism.

The goal is to reclaim personal sovereignty from the systemic constraints laid out by our forefathers and nurturing mothers.

I will be focused on tokenizing and owning everything within my house. All assets and liabilities will be owned, in a figurative and literal sense, by me. While on this venture, I will also keep my priorities straight. I can never actually own anything, I can only perform the social construct we call “owning” until the day comes for me to continue my journey to the beyond.

What is a debt?

So WHAT is debt? What exactly does it mean to have a debt, be indebted, to owe, to take on a burden, to have a liability owe, be liened upon… I could go on, but I think we all get the question.

When we check Webster ENGLISH dictionary — a debt is #1 a SIN or a TRESPASS. Number 2,3, and 4 definitions are something owed, or state of being under obligation to pay or repay someone or something in return for something received or the recovery of money held to be due.

WOW. The first result for a debt is “SIN.” By just interacting with the economy I am sinning! So much for the bible-thumpers and wealthy mega priests who take on debt to build mega-churches.

Let’s look into historical debt concept with Arabic and Hebrew:

Arabic: إثم sin, iniquity, guilt, evil, wrongdoing, debt (hyper simplified, but the many conjugations for the context we are studying here is sin/bite/claim/hurt etc.

Hebrew: חוֹב (read right to left)> debt/arrear. There are also many versions and contextual transliterations, but the idea is also sin/bite/claim/borrow.

We’re getting spiritual out the gate! Let’s unpack more debt identifications to get the general human perspective, and not just English muslo-judeo-christian underpinnings of the concept. In the context of what we’re exploring, we are talking financial and asset debt only. The three major monothesistic religions and their sages viewed debt and indebtedness as something to pity, and interest is “like bleeding our brothers and sisters,” to quote various personal conversations I have had with peers when talking about debt and sin in relation to money.

Moving on, what do other cultures view as debt.

Russian — Долг Dolg — debt, duty, obligation, credit trust, liability

Spanish: deuda’

Italian: il debito — debt, due, debit, obligation

French: la dette — debt indebtedness, obligation, loan, score

La creance — debt claim, leash

( sum of money owed) 债(債)务(務) (zhàiwù) (笔, bǐ)

( state of owing money) 欠债(債) (qiànzhài)

to be in/get into debt 负(負)债(債) (fùzhài)

to be/get out of debt 不欠债(債) (bù qiànzhài)

It gets really interesting when digging into the definition of financial debt in mandarin.


Chinese — zhài (債) — made up of the radicals MAN+ SPROUT + SHELL

Chinese — wù (務) — made up of the radicals GO POWER.

Put together we have (in order) Man-sprout-shell go-power. No wonder calligraphy is such an art in Mandarin and Japanese. It’s almost like attuning the concepts in our head, putting energy to those concepts through our brain and hands, and manifesting them onto the paper. Manifesting the energy to represent a financial debt to translate as we have, we can unpack a new perspective on the matter:

In speaking with a peer about it, we discussed what this might mean through the socratic method. Let’s break down those words even further:

Man — a person

Sprout — to grow

Shell — generalization: the hard protective outer case

Go — ‘to advance’

Power — ability to act or do. Strength, vigor, might

“A person to grow a hard protective case advancing strength.” What?

Advance a person shell to grow more power. Advance power to grow a shell. (what?)

Let’s discuss the concepts and try to get a perspective on debt and indebtedness by discussing the connotations rather than the denotations.

If you cover someone’s growth, you gain power over them. If a king guards the people’s money under his lock and key, the king can lock and unlock the people’s power whenever he pleases.

If someone covers their own growth, they keep their own power. If the people guard their money under their own locks and keys, the people can lock and unlock their own power whenever they please.

Whoever guards the growth guards the power.

This one is way too tough to dissect, and meanings are definitely getting lost in translation. Any of the above interpretations could be accepted or contested.

WE have a way different perspective! Growth, power, movement, and people are all the concepts covered from this perspective.

So we have 3 general perspectives of debt among the human race: the obligation, the sin, and the flow.

The Obligation:

We oblige ourselves through our social constructs. Money is a social construct, and the use of that money owned by the individual will or will not move anyone. It represents the energy spent. It represents energy being created and converted to value. Our ancestors hunted for meat; spent precious calories to survive in the wild; spent many hours gathering foliage to eat. That energy spent gaining food was energy not spent innovating, procreating, nor mentally growing. Over the millennia we have transformed that concept into farming, inventing, and philosophy. Once we found more precious time not hunting and gathering, we discovered that value (generated through hunting, gathering, or farming) could be traded — Money was born! Money is the representation of value incarnate. Energy spent translates to value realized translates to a literal tokenization of effort expended to provide. When the effort is expended by someone other than the self, they oblige the new effort via a debt. The debt, money or otherwise, is now an obligation to pay back the effort>energy>value generated by the external.

The Sin:

The antithesis of virtue. We are damaging something, someone, or some idea. We are converting our values and deifying the item that we convert energy to value and ultimately put on a pedestal something that we supposedly should not. We are going against the ultimate authority by not keeping our values (in terms of virtuous concepts) in alignment with our actions. We say we value family and life, yet we allow ourselves to become workaholics and interact with others that are slashing our forests and killing our natural habitats for more monetary value.When monetary value is perverse we worship something outside of the energy expended for the currency within ourselves. When we further worship that outside of the spirit, we obligate others to value that outside of the self. This study of sin, explains why the various religions, monotheistic or otherwise, translates the sin as “a bite.” We bite into those we care for. We bleed our neighbors without respite.

The Flow:

We have to start somewhere. WE start “in debt” from cradle to grave. WE suck our mothers’ teat and are thus in debt to her. She nurtures our growth and ensure our future through care. Her values are one that we gain or resist depending on our “dice-roll” into life. An abusive mother will result in issues throughout our life, a strict mother will result in neuroticism, and a coddling mother will result in being overly childish. That is how we pay our debts spiritually. We are indebted to our creator of creators, and thusly our parents for deciding to create us. Our “debt” is due through the glorification of [ ]. Out of respect for other humans, the blank was added on purpose. In my upbringing, it is the glorification of G-d. This is where it gets interesting. People out there who want to glorify something, someone, or some[ ] else exist! With this we see the flow, the interconnectedness of debt to our lives and why I am tokenizing it.

When I take a loan from modern banks, they are improving access for me but not others. I am offloading my flow and sin to someone else. This is not something that I want to do! In order to take back my own control of my sins, of my flow, and of my obligations I must re-open old wounds created by merely existing! I will not be lazy anymore, and I will reclaim the value creation of the many cabals of power in our world.

The S.S. Tokenized Liberty is being built. Will you join my crew through the journey of tokenization or will you be on the dock watching the ship sail into the sunset? The choice is yours.



The Gallant

The renaissance people, exploring the unknown built by our forefathers and nurturing mothers and freeing ourselves from our own limitations.